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Tim Schmidt’s album TAOES Did you mean TAPES? is available to stream and/or download now.

Hi! This Tim Schmidt album came as a surprise to us all. It feat. 14 recordings and contains both acoustic instrumentals and folk singer-songwriter ones. It is better you hear for yourself. Then you will know. The painting is by Olle Schmidt and the backing singer on songs 1 + 3 is Australian Singer songwriter Lindsay Phillips. The rest of the sounds is by Tim Schmidt. Song no. 3 is a cover of the rock´n´roll classic: Eddie Cochran/Jerry Capehart number ”Summertime Blues”. The other ones r written by T.S.

Find it on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/41Q1t2TH4KbC20Kig4MFjJ?si=D5QmblHzSMaYr34P9DX_Mw

Find it on Bandcamp: https://timschmidt.bandcamp.com/album/taoes-did-you-mean-tapes-2010-2017

Painting by Olle Schmidt became album cover for Tim Schmidt "TAOES Did you mean TAPES?" album released in 2024. Also the painting was painted in 2024.

This is the Olle Schmidt painting that became the album cover for Tim Schmidt’s ”TAOES Did you mean TAPES?” album released today. The painting was made in 2024.


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