Tim Schmidt’s album TAOES Did you mean TAPES? is available to stream and/or download now.
Hi! This Tim Schmidt album came as a surprise to us all. It feat. 14 recordings and contains both acoustic instrumentals and folk singer-songwriter ones. It is better you hear for yourself. Then you will know. The painting is by Olle Schmidt and the backing singer on songs 1 + 3 is Australian Singer songwriter Lindsay Phillips. The rest of the sounds is by Tim Schmidt. Song no. 3 is a cover of the rock´n´roll classic: Eddie Cochran/Jerry Capehart number ”Summertime Blues”. The other ones r written by T.S.
Find it on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/41Q1t2TH4KbC20Kig4MFjJ?si=D5QmblHzSMaYr34P9DX_Mw
Find it on Bandcamp: https://timschmidt.bandcamp.com/album/taoes-did-you-mean-tapes-2010-2017
This is the Olle Schmidt painting that became the album cover for Tim Schmidt’s ”TAOES Did you mean TAPES?” album released today. The painting was made in 2024.