
  • Step One

    Step One (Mash Up) is a short video from 2019. It was published on YT.

  • Arrows

    Arrows is a song released on the Dog EP. You can find it here in the link. The song mixes the traditionally folky song with a totally instrumental part that breaks with what has been prepared. Tim Schmidt released the song on the Dog EP in 2012. The EP really has some great moments. Here…

  • Before Footprints: Europa Blues

    Yes, Before Footprints: Europa Blues is a video. This soundtrack is unreleased. Note too that the t.s. website is new and the adress is

  • Who Would You Run To?

    Who Would You Run To? is a song by Tim Schmidt released on the Dog EP. Here comes a video from way back in Östergötland to accompany the song.

  • Psalm

    Psalm is a short Organ track. More (pump) organ sounds in the post about just that: Pump Organs

  • Ett nöje att vandra med dig

    Ett nöje att vandra med dig (’a pleasure to be walking with you’) is an instrumental tune by Tim Schmidt. The pump organ is the centre. It is to be found on the Tinar record.